Every bank provides a Debit/credit card to its customers. When you enter the wrong pin 3times so, your card will block, and due to any kind of reason, the card is blocked. If you are a SBI bank customer, and your ATM card blocked, now you must be want to know how to unblock SBI ATM card, simply you can follow this quick guide for all SBI Bank.
How to Unblock SBI ATM Card?
Then do you want to unblock your card, so I will share with you my solution? If your card is blocked by yourself, you should go to your SBI bank branch regarding the unblocking of your SBI debit card.
If you have an account at the SBI bank, this article will help you to unblock your SBI ATM card.
Things Required To Unblock SBI Debit Card
- SBI bank account number
- You should have the last 4 digits of your SBI card
- CIF number of SBI
- Your bank registered signature
- Passport size Photo ID
How to Unblock the SBI debit card
- You have to go to your nearest SBI Bank Branch and fill the form to unblock the SBI ATM card.
- You have to fill the form correctly. You have to enter the account number, CIF number, last four digits of your card, and other details carefully.
- Do not forget the sign on the application form.
- Then, attach the Photo ID with your form and submit with the bank officer.
- Your card will be unlocked within 24 hours.
- After that, you will receive the updates on your phone through SMS.
You can easily unblock SBI debit card through the following steps.
Now, you are able to unblock SBI ATM card through your nearby SBI bank branch. If you have any doubts, you can write in the comment section.
If you want to block your SBI ATM card, then you can follow this link.
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